Oral Surgery: Before And After Preparations

Jan 15, 2017

Surgery is always the last resort, but it can make a huge, positive difference in your life. The same is true for oral surgery on your teeth or gums. Call us today at our Bridgeport/Trumbull dental office (203-372-1220) or our Shelton dental office (203-378-9737) to schedule your next appointment.

Our dentists are expertly trained in oral surgery, and they have helped many people who had painful wisdom teeth, weak jawbones, receding gums, and more. By calling us today, you can work with highly skilled and experienced dental professionals.

Why Oral Surgery Can Help You

Oral surgery is only done at DeJesus Dental Group when there is no better option remaining. For example, an infected tooth can be saved with a root canal — but only if the infection is caught in time. If you waited too long, that tooth will have to be removed through oral surgery.

Here are the reasons why you might be helped with oral surgery:

  • A wisdom tooth came in wrong and is threatening your other teeth.
  • A tooth is too damaged to save or repair.
  • Your jawbone has deteriorated and needs to be strengthened.
  • Your sinuses are too low and prevent you from getting a dental implant.
  • Your gums have receded from your teeth due to gum disease.

That’s why you need to call DeJesus Dental Group today. Dental problems such as these only get worse when you postpone them. Our dentists have the experience needed to know when oral surgery is needed or not. If it’s your best chance to have a healthy mouth, our team is ready to help.

When you have an appointment for oral surgery, there are a few things you can do beforehand that will make your oral surgery procedure and experience go more smoothly.

Preparing For Your Oral Surgery

Buy some bland, soft foods.

You need to eat after surgery, but some foods just won’t work. Anything that’s hard, chewy, or spicy could be painful or delay your healing process. Before your oral surgery appointment, go to the grocery store and stock up on foods that are soft and bland. Mashed potatoes and yogurt are good examples.

Put some cold packs in the freezer.

You’ll likely receive a prescription for pain medication after your oral surgery, but simpler remedies can help as well. Put some cold packs in your freezer. You can put them over your mouth above any painful spots. The cold helps numb the area.

Read through your pre- and post-op instructions.

Our team will give you a list of instructions for before your surgery and after it. Do not wait until the last minute to read these! Please read them carefully a day or two before your appointment. That way, you can call either of our two Connecticut dental offices and ask for clarifications

Get some books, shows, or movies ready.

After your oral surgery, you will need time at home to rest and recuperate. That can get boring, so it’s a good idea to get some books or videos ready before your appointment. Instead of wondering what to do, you’ll already have stuff lined up.

Don’t eat or drink eight hours before your appointment.

Oral surgery is routine, but it is still surgery. Because you will likely be having anesthesia of some sort, you cannot eat or drink anything starting eight hours before your visit’s start time (not the time you think the oral surgery procedure will start). You can always drink water and take medication, but that’s it.

Skip jewelry, makeup, and uncomfortable clothes.

Because our dentists will be working on your teeth and gums, you shouldn’t wear anything on your face. That means no makeup and no jewelry such as earrings or facial piercings. You can leave your rings on, of course, just nothing on the face.

Call us TODAY at our Bridgeport/Trumbull dental office (203-372-1220) or our Shelton dental office (203-378-9737) oruse our online tool to schedule your next appointment. If oral surgery is your best chance at getting healthy teeth and gums, at least you’ll be working with our expertly trained dentists who care about your experience. In the end, oral surgery will help you.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the best orthodontic/dental treatment for your individual needs.