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Gum disease treatment. 

Swollen and tender gums are symptoms of gum disease.

Even with adequate dental hygiene, you can develop gum disease. Finding the right dental office for gum disease treatment can help ease the uncomfortable pain that comes with periodontal disease.

person receiving laser gum disease treatment

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, often referred to as periodontal disease, occurs when harmful bacteria grow beneath the gum line and infects your gums. A dentist or periodontist will explain that there are two stages of the disease:

  • Gingivitis: Bacteria and plaque begin to irritate your gums.
  • Periodontitis: Bacteria burrow beneath the gum line and infect your gum tissue.

If you experience any warning signs of gum disease, immediately getting to your local dentist office may help prevent the disease from becoming more severe. The DeJesus Dental Group hygiene team will carefully remove the bacteria, plaque, and tartar that collect on your teeth. However, waiting to see your dentist can lead to periodontitis, which can be treated but cannot be cured.

Early Signs of Gum Disease

A change in your gums that causes them to be tender, swollen, or red are early warning signs of gum disease. If you notice blood after brushing or flossing, that could indicate a stage of gum disease. Gingivitis is often evident in those with chronic bad breath, while periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or fall out.

Scaling and Root Planing

When that bacteria climb below the gum line, scaling and root planing are necessary. During this procedure, we gently reach below your gums to scrape away the plaque and tartar build-up. This is a non-surgical gum disease treatment method and is often effective in stopping gingivitis.


man's smile before dental work


man's smile after dental work


How Can Lasers Help With My Gums?

If gum tissue is affected by periodontal disease, dental lasers can be carefully used to remove the infected gum tissue without surgery. We offer this painless procedure to help alleviate the discomfort that comes with gum disease.

The DeJesus Dental Group can help you have healthy gums for a lifetime. For more information on our non-surgical gum disease treatment methods, call our dental office in Shelton or Bridgeport or you can book an appointment online.

Let's keep your oral health a priority.

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consultation today.

Gum disease treatment. 

Swollen and tender gums are symptoms of gum disease.

Even with adequate dental hygiene, you can develop gum disease. Finding the right dental office for gum disease treatment can help ease the uncomfortable pain that comes with periodontal disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease, often referred to as periodontal disease, occurs when harmful bacteria grow beneath the gum line and infects your gums. A dentist or periodontist will explain that there are two stages of the disease:

  • Gingivitis: Bacteria and plaque begin to irritate your gums.
  • Periodontitis: Bacteria burrow beneath the gum line and infect your gum tissue.

If you experience any warning signs of gum disease, immediately getting to your local dentist office may help prevent the disease from becoming more severe. The DeJesus Dental Group hygiene team will carefully remove the bacteria, plaque, and tartar that collect on your teeth. However, waiting to see your dentist can lead to periodontitis, which can be treated but cannot be cured.

Early Signs of Gum Disease

A change in your gums that causes them to be tender, swollen, or red are early warning signs of gum disease. If you notice blood after brushing or flossing, that could indicate a stage of gum disease. Gingivitis is often evident in those with chronic bad breath, while periodontitis can cause teeth to loosen or fall out.

Scaling and Root Planing

When that bacteria climb below the gum line, scaling and root planing are necessary. During this procedure, we gently reach below your gums to scrape away the plaque and tartar build-up. This is a non-surgical gum disease treatment method and is often effective in stopping gingivitis.



How Can Lasers Help With My Gums?

If gum tissue is affected by periodontal disease, dental lasers can be carefully used to remove the infected gum tissue without surgery. We offer this painless procedure to help alleviate the discomfort that comes with gum disease.

The DeJesus Dental Group can help you have healthy gums for a lifetime. For more information on our non-surgical gum disease treatment methods, call our dental office in Shelton or Bridgeport or you can book an appointment online.

Let's keep your oral health a priority.

Request a new patient special, implant, or orthodontic consultation today.

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