Dental Implants Treatment Timeline

Dec 13, 2014

The loss of an adult tooth compromises the structure of the entire mouth and makes surrounding teeth more vulnerable to oral health problems. Because dental implants offer patients the most durable anchor for dental restorations, the cosmetic dentists at DeJesus Dental Group are likely to recommend them for the treatment of tooth loss. While most patients are anxious to experience the benefits of dental implants, many question the lengthy treatment timeline. Our dentists are happy to explain to our patients in Fairfield each stage of dental implants treatment so that they understand what to expect throughout the process. Gaining an understanding of treatment also helps patients see how each stage of the treatment timeline is vital to the ultimate success of dental implants.


  • Consultation: Each dental implants treatment begins with a consultation. A consultation is vital in determining whether a patient is a good candidate for dental implants treatment. We will never put a patient through the dental implants procedure if we are not confident of positive results. If a patient is found to be a good candidate, we will create a personalized treatment plan that determines the number of dental implants to be placed as well as the location of each implant. This treatment plan is carefully put together with the aid of dental x-rays and computer images of the mouth and jaw.
  • Implant surgery: Following the consultation, implant surgery will be scheduled. Implant surgery involves the placement of titanium screws into the jaw bone. Small incisions will be made in the gums and holes will be drilled into the jaw bone where the dental implants will be placed. Once in place, the dental implants, which are tiny titanium screws, will act as artificial tooth roots. The implant surgery is performed with the use of anesthetic so that patients are free of pain throughout treatment.
  • Osseointegration: After implant surgery, we allow three to six months of recovery during which time osseointegration will take place. Osseointegration is the process in which the dental implant fuses to the jaw bone. This is a vital step in the success of treatment.
  • Placement of abutments: Once osseointegration has occurred and the gums have healed, we will schedule a procedure to place the abutments. Once again the gums will be opened and metal posts, or abutments, will be attached to the dental implants. These abutments will protrude from the gum line in order to affix to dental restorations.
  • Restoration placement: As the gums heal from the placement of the abutments, dental restorations will be fabricated based on molds of the teeth and bite. Once complete, the dental restorations (which may be dental crowns, bridges, or dentures) will be secured to the abutment and the dental implants treatment will be complete.

Schedule an Appointment

Adult tooth loss is a condition that compromises the entire health and structure of the mouth. If you are looking for a strong, long-lasting solution for tooth loss, dental implants may be the ideal solution. While the treatment timeline is lengthy, the results should last a lifetime. To learn more about the dental implants treatment timeline, schedule an appointment at DeJesus Dental Group at your earliest convenience. We look forward to meeting you!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the best orthodontic/dental treatment for your individual needs.