Different Orthodontic Treatments, Same Great Smile

Feb 1, 2017

As an adult, people expect you to have straight teeth. However, it’s not hard to have at least a few crooked, misaligned teeth by now. That’s because your teeth never really stop moving. Years of chewing repeatedly every day can move them around even if you had braces as a teen.

Call us today at our Bridgeport/Trumbull dental office (203-372-1220) or our Shelton dental office (203-378-9737) to schedule your next orthodontic appointment. With our dentists’ training and expertise, you can soon have a straight smile once again.

Benefits Of Straight, Aligned Teeth

If you’ve looked in the mirror and seen crooked teeth, you know the how they can make your smile look bad. However, there are other problems that can be caused by misaligned teeth.

  • TMJ problems
  • Cavities
  • Gum disease
  • Weak teeth
  • Headaches and migraines

This is because your teeth are supposed to come together a certain way when you bite. When your teeth are crooked, this doesn’t happen. That’s why you can get worn spots on your enamel, problems with your jaw, and more.

By calling either of our Connecticut dental offices today, you can make an appointment for orthodontic treatment. Once your teeth are aligned and positioned as they should, these problems can go away. Our dentists can even help realign how your whole bite comes together.

Orthodontic Treatments For You

Our dentists believe you should have choices whenever possible. That’s why you can choose from three different kinds of modern orthodontic treatments. Not everyone is a good fit for each, though. Rest assured, our dentists have the experience and training to know which will work for your specific needs.


This treatment does not include any metal at all! Instead of brackets and wires, you’ll wear a series of clear plastic trays over your teeth. They look like mouthguards but thinner and comfortable. Each is slightly different than the one before. By wearing them in the right order, your teeth and jaw are gently repositioned.

Invisalign is normally available to anyone old enough for orthodontics. Because they’re clear, Invisalign is almost impossible to see when worn. If you want straight teeth but are worried about being embarrassed, this is a great choice.


Here, you’ll get brackets and wires like traditional braces but with a major difference. Incognito braces are placed on the back of your teeth, not the front. You’ll still get your teeth gently repositioned like any orthodontic treatment does. It’s just that they’ll be much harder to notice or even see.

Incognito braces are great for people who have large problems with unaligned teeth and jaws.


These are very similar to traditional braces but with ceramic brackets instead of unsightly metal. Combined with tooth-colored wires, these will blend in with your smile instead of standing out. While they’re not as discreet as Invisalign or Incognito, they tend to be more affordable.

If you want straight teeth but have concerns about the cost, ceramic braces can be the best of both worlds for you. They’re more affordable, but because they blend in with your smile, they’re harder to notice.

Our dentists are trained in other orthodontic treatments. For example, preventative orthodontics like spacers help prepare teeth for an orthodontic treatment. You can also get short-term orthodontics. These focus only on your front teeth — the ones people see when you smile normally. Because not every tooth is being repositioned, this can be complete in much less time.

Call us TODAY at our Bridgeport/Trumbull dental office (203-372-1220) or our Shelton dental office (203-378-9737) or use our online tool to schedule an appointment for orthodontics. Once our team has thoroughly examined your teeth and jaw, they will discuss your goals and dreams for your smile. Together, you’ll pick an orthodontic treatment that does the best job to make your smile healthy and attractive for a long time to come.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the best orthodontic/dental treatment for your individual needs.