DeJesus Dental Group Blog
Eight Dental Habits You Should Avoid
Brushing the teeth, flossing, and scheduling regular dental appointments - most people know that...
Restorative Dentistry Treatments for Cavities
When you first develop a cavity, you may not notice any symptoms. You may even enjoy complete...
General Dentistry Is Especially Vital When You Are Expecting
Many times, expectant mothers avoid the dentist, thinking that treatment could be harmful to their...
Protecting Your Roots: Preventing Root Canal Infections
You have probably heard the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” When it...
What Are the Possible Side Effects of Teeth Whitening?
Dental stains are a common aesthetic concern. Though tooth discoloration will not affect the...
Careful Preparation for Lasting, Lifelike Porcelain Veneers
If you want to correct several cosmetic flaws at once and achieve a spectacular smile, consider...
Dental Care Treatments for Seniors
Here at DeJesus Dental Group in Bridgeport, we believe in providing the best possible dental care...
Is a Mouth Guard Right for You?
If you need a mouth guard, you may not even know it. These devices are the most effective way to...
The Dangers of Dry Mouth: Taking the Condition Seriously
At DeJesus Dental Group, we help patients throughout the greater Bridgeport area with a diverse...
Dental Implants Treatment Timeline
The loss of an adult tooth compromises the structure of the entire mouth and makes surrounding...
Say Goodbye to Bad Breath
At the cosmetic and restorative dentistry practice of Dr. Phillip J. DeJesus in Bridgeport, bad...
Tooth Erosion Causes and Treatment
Tooth enamel is one of the strongest substances in all of nature. It has to be in order to...