DeJesus Dental Group Blog
How Often Should Kids See A Dentist?
A common question we get from parents is when they should schedule their child’s first dentist...
How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned By A Dentist?
Brushing and flossing regularly will help you fight against tooth decay, bad breath and gum...
Dental Options for Better Appearance and Health
Good oral health and overall well being are linked. As a matter of fact, good oral health leads to...
Which Stain Removal Toothpastes Are ADA Approved?
Do your friends or family love taking pictures? Selfies? If you’re uncomfortable with how white...
Wisdom Teeth: Keep, Pull or Wait?
While some people choose to keep their wisdom teeth, it’s usually recommended to have them removed...
Having Trouble Sleeping? Talk to Your Dentist.
If you’ve been feeling tired during the day, waking up with shortness of breath, loud snoring, or...
How to Choose The Best Dentist for You (And Your Family)
In the age of Google, with so much information at our fingertips, making any decision is tough —...
How to Conquer Your Fear of the Dentist
Anxious about your dental visit? We get it — 40 million Americans feel the same way, according to...
Repair Your Smile With A Full-Mouth Reconstruction
When you have a cavity, you can get a filling. When you're missing a tooth, you can get a dental...
Don’t Fall For Fluoride Bad Science Tweets
You know how it goes. Someone forwards an email or online message that claims fluoride is...
Like Your Smile Again With Cosmetic Dentistry
When you have problems with your teeth or gums, you can dislike your smile. No one should feel...
Debunking The Myths About Sleep Apnea
The only thing worse than being kept awake half the night by someone snoring is when you're the...