Dental Offices – Shelton & Bridgeport


smile back – it changes everything

General dental care for the whole family.

We have all your dental needs under one roof.

There are many options when it comes to selecting a family dentist. Depending on your overall oral health and complexity of previous dental work. Many individuals find the best general dentist is one with advanced training such as Fellow or Master of the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD or MAGD) are better suited for their needs.

At DeJesus Dental Group, we don’t just love caring for your smile, we offer the highest quality dental services available to our patients from two convenient locations (Shelton & Bridgeport/Trumbull). It’s our passion to ensure you are well cared for and receive the best dental services you deserve.

General Dental Care

Many refer to general dentistry or family dentistry because the dental services range from dental crowns, cavity fillings, dental cleanings, gum disease treatment, and many more. It’s no secret that choosing the best dental practice for your family will ensure your smile remains healthy for years to come.

How to Prevent and Treat Cavities

One of the most popular dental challenges we treat is cavities. Cavities can form for a number of reasons, but routine cleanings will allow the dentist to spot tooth decay and treat it immediately. The most common symptoms of a cavity include:

  • Sudden sharp pain in a specific tooth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Sharp or moderate pain when eating or drinking something cold, hot, or sweet
  • Visible holes in the tooth
  • Black or brown staining
  • Pain while chewing

One dental treatment that works well to prevent cavities is a sealant. This clear material fills in the grooves between the cusps of your teeth, making it harder for bacteria to live there and easier for you regularly clean your teeth. If tooth decay causes a cavity, our tooth-colored fillings can repair the damage so your teeth are healthy and pain-free.

Common Dental Problems

Our team uses advanced technology to treat even the most common of dental challenges. Protecting your teeth during sporting events is important, and we can create a custom mouthguard that will fit comfortably and protect your smile. At our Bridgeport dental office we can also offer a special night guard that can protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep. Our team can even help with sleep apnea.

The DeJesus Dental Group is a Connecticut family dental office that has a highly trained, professional staff along with state-of-the-art equipment to handle any area of general dentistry. We have the following dental staff in our office: general dentists, periodontist, and an orthodontist. If your family is in search of a caring, honest dental team, DeJesus Dental Group is ready to schedule your first consultation.


General dental care for the whole family.

We have all your dental needs under one roof.

There are many options when it comes to selecting a family dentist. Depending on your overall oral health and complexity of previous dental work. Many individuals find that the best general dentist is one with advanced training such as Fellow or Master of the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD or MAGD) are better suited for their needs.

At DeJesus Dental Group, we don’t just love caring for your smile, we offer the highest quality dental services available to our patients from two convienient locations (Shelton & Bridgeport/Trumbull). It’s our passion to ensure you are well cared for and receive the best dental services you deserve.

General Dentistry Services

Many refer to general dentistry or family dentistry because the dental services range from dental crowns, cavity fillings, dental cleanings, gum disease treatment, and many more. It’s no secret that choosing the best dental practice for your family will ensure your smile remains healthy for years to come.

How to Prevent and Treat Cavities

One of the most popular dental challenges we treat is cavities. Cavities can form for a number of reasons, but routine cleanings will allow the dentist to spot tooth decay and treat it immediately. The most common symptoms of a cavity include:

  • Sudden sharp pain in a specific tooth
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Sharp or moderate pain when eating or drinking something cold, hot, or sweet
  • Visible holes in the tooth
  • Black or brown staining
  • Pain while chewing

One dental treatment that works well to prevent cavities is a sealant. This clear material fills in the grooves between the cusps of your teeth, making it harder for bacteria to live there and easier for you regularly clean your teeth. If tooth decay causes a cavity, our tooth-colored fillings can repair the damage so your teeth are healthy and pain-free.

Common Dental Problems

Our team uses advanced technology to treat even the most common of dental challenges. Protecting your teeth during sporting events is important, and we can create a custom mouthguard that will fit comfortably and protect your smile. At our Bridgeport dental office, we can also offer a special night guard that can protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep. Our team can even help with sleep apnea.

The DeJesus Dental Group is a Connecticut family dental office that has a highly trained, professional staff along with state-of-the-art equipment to handle any area of general dentistry. We have the following dental staff in our office: general dentists, periodontist, and an orthodontist. If your family is in search of a caring, honest dental team, DeJesus Dental Group is ready to schedule your first consultation.

General Dentistry Articles

Updated: Are You Brushing Your Teeth The Best Way You Can

Updated: Are You Brushing Your Teeth The Best Way You Can

Read our comprehensive guide tailored to individuals seeking top-notch dental care, those managing dental issues, vigilant parents safeguarding their children’s oral health in sports, and individuals battling dental anxiety. It embodies the informative, professional, and caring style of DeJesus Dental Group, emphasizing key steps such as selecting the right toothbrush, dedicating two minutes to brushing twice daily, utilizing the correct technique, choosing fluoride toothpaste with ADA endorsement, and maintaining regular toothbrush replacement. In line with the brand’s ethos, this article delivers authoritative yet approachable oral care advice, nurturing trust and prioritizing the audience’s dental well-being, ultimately leading to a healthier, more radiant smile with the support of DeJesus Dental Group.

Updated: When Some Bad Breath Can Mean Gum Disease

Updated: When Some Bad Breath Can Mean Gum Disease

Learn about the connection between bad breath and gum disease in this article. Bad breath can be a sign of a common condition that deserves further treatment. Early warning signs for gum disease include bad breath, red, swollen gums, and tooth sensitivity. Promptly consult your dentist for diagnosis and personalized treatment, which may involve scaling, root planing, or surgery.

Prevention is key: Maintain oral hygiene, attend regular dental check-ups, and make lifestyle changes like quitting smoking and reducing sugar intake. Trust DeJesus Dental Group for comprehensive dental care and oral health guidance.

Updated: National Gum Care Month

Updated: National Gum Care Month

September marks National Gum Care Month, and DeJesus Dental Group is proud to engage in this celebration. Gum disease, or periodontal disease, can lead to severe dental issues and impact general health, including heart disease and diabetes. DeJesus Dental Group offers valuable tips for gum care: regular brushing and flossing, incorporating mouthwash, maintaining a nutrient-rich diet, quitting tobacco, and scheduling regular dental checkups. Our caring, customer-oriented approach aims to empower both current and potential patients to make informed decisions about their oral health, ensuring beautiful, healthy smiles for years to come.

What Are You Waiting For?





DeJesus Dental Group

Serving all of Fairfield County

4131 Main St | Bridgeport, CT 06606

770 River Rd | Shelton, CT 06484

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