Can Gum Disease Be Cured Without A Dentist? (Updated 2022)

Oct 4, 2018

July 2022 (updated)

October 2018 (original)

If your gums are irritated and swollen or your brushing routine is filled with streaks of red from a bleeding gum line, you may be dealing with a form of gum disease. A number of things can lead to gum disease, but it begins with bacteria settling on and in between your teeth.

Whether you’ve noticed severe symptoms or your dentist has confirmed the presence of the disease, you may consider whether gum disease can be cured without dental care. In order to answer that question, let’s walk through the different causes, treatment options, and what to do once gum disease is detected. 

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease begins with bacteria buildup along the gum line, which causes inflammation and, when left untreated, can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth. The three stages of gum disease are gingivitis, periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Gum Disease?

 In its early stages, gum disease can be  painless, so it’s important to notice any of these symptoms:

  • Loose (adult) teeth
  • Continuous bad breath, stale taste in the mouth
  • Gums that recede or move away from teeth
  • Swollen, red, tender, or bleeding gums
  • Visible infection around teeth and gums

How To Prevent Gum Disease

More than 40 percent of Americans over  30 have some form of gum disease. In order to not become a  statistic, proper oral care is a must. 

Strong oral care at home is the main way to prevent gum disease. Flossing daily, brushing after each meal, and using an antibacterial mouthwash to kill bacteria will deter gum disease from settling into the areas surrounding your teeth.

Visiting your dentist twice a year for routine dental cleanings is also a good place to start. Addressing other dental issues like tooth decay and cavities will weaken gum disease causes.  

Even with aggressive oral care, though, you may still develop gum disease. The only way to know if you have it is by visiting your Bridgeport or Shelton dentist.

How To Treat Gum Disease

 There is no cure for gum disease, but periodontal treatment aims to control the infection in the gums and stop the disease from progressing. While a strong dental care regimen at home is important, it is not advised that those suffering from gum disease rely solely on their own care. 

 Professional treatment of gum disease includes non-surgical therapy that controls the growth of harmful bacteria. In more advanced gum disease cases, restorative surgery may be needed to rebuild supportive tissues. Treating gum disease at home includes:

  • Flossing: Removes tartar and plaque between teeth (the main causes of gum disease)
  • Brushing: Removes surface buildup from teeth
  • Rinsing with antibacterial mouthwash: Helps cleanse the mouth of unwanted bacteria
  • Scheduling a hygiene appointment: Allows a dental professional to evaluate the condition and recommend further treatment 

 While you can take action to prevent gum disease and manage it in some ways, gum disease cannot be confirmed or cured without guidance and treatment from your dentist.

Book an appointment at least twice a year (four times a year if you know you have gum disease) at one of our offices in Bridgeport /Trumbull Line or Shelton so you can receive a thorough cleaning and take the best care of your teeth. 

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a qualified dental professional to determine the best orthodontic/dental treatment for your individual needs.